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Goire Suitbert CASTILLA (Santiago de Cuba, 1951). Graduated at the School of Fine Arts in Santiago de Cuba. Made studies of Architecture at the Universidad de Oriente and French at the Language School of Santiago. Goire has taken postgraduate courses on Polish Posters (1969), Graphic Design in Cuba (1970), Graphic Design and Communication Theory (1971), Industrial Design (1972), The Art of Typography (1972), Contemporary...

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Goire Suitbert CASTILLA (Santiago de Cuba, 1951). Graduated at the School of Fine Arts in Santiago de Cuba. Made studies of Architecture at the Universidad de Oriente and French at the Language School of Santiago. Goire has taken postgraduate courses on Polish Posters (1969), Graphic Design in Cuba (1970), Graphic Design and Communication Theory (1971), Industrial Design (1972), The Art of Typography (1972), Contemporary Sociological Tendencies (1975), The Black Culture in the Caribbean People's Parties (1986), Visual Communication (1987), Industrial Design (1989) and Subliminal Techniques in Advertising (1997). I've Taught at the University of the East and in Other Institutions in Cuba. Eleven staff exhibits show the evolution of historical work. The Graphic first-L/A/O I first personal exhibit of posters in graphic design at the East Gallery, Followed by Graphic of Every Day. Universal DeArte Gallery (1988); All Mixed / Manuel Mendive, Julia Valdes, Suitbert Goire. Gallery Santiago (1986J; Of All: Posters, Pposterboards, Paintings, Drawings and Craftsmanship. Gallery Santiago (1988); Goire and Graphic Design: 20 Years of Work. Gallery East (1989); Unknown Graphic / Goire's Posfers. Elia's Palace. Italy ( 1998), 30 = 50. 30 Years of Art Alliance Française. Santiago de Cuba (2001); CUBANEGRA: Goire's Original Posters. Galeria Rene Portocarrero. Havana. Cuba (2002). Goire've Also in More Than 130 Participate in Cuba enhibits and abroad. His work has-been Admired in USA, Ethiopia, Viet Nam, Sweden, Finland, Demmark, Laos, Nicaragua, Mongolia, Tanzania, Angola, Ghana, Mexico, Jamaica, Italy, Suriname, Guadeloupe, Algeria, Colombia, Czechoslovakia, Canada, France, Venezuela, Swizerland, Argentina, Russia and Others. Goire Also has expanded to the design historical work in hotels and restaurants, scenography, wardrobe and puppets, book illustrations and fashion design. I've Been Awarded with More Than 70 in prizes Cuba. The Cuban state has CONFERRE him the Commemorative Medal for the 30th anniversary of July 26th (1988) Artist Laureate (1994); Medal Gmez Ral Garca (1995) and the plate Josmar Heredia (2001). Studies 1974 - Faculty of Architecture (Eastern University). Not finished. 1977 - Graduate of French Language. 1986 - Graduate Professor. Trainer Plastic Arts. Other studies 1969 - The Polish Poster / Elvira Cape Library. Prof. Waldemar Swercy, Wicktor Work (Poland). 1970 - Graphic Design in Cuba / DOR PCC Santiago de Cuba. Prof. Felix Beltran. 1971 - Graphic Design, Communication Theory, Photography / DOR PCC Santiago de Cuba. Prof. Olivio Martinez. 1972 - The Art of Printing / DOR PCC. Santiago de Cuba. Prof. Esteban Ayala. 1972 - Industrial Design / Ministry of Construction / Havana. Prof. Guy Bonssieppe, Tomas Maldonado / Argentina-Chile. 1975 - Contemporary Sociological Tendencies, Theory of Group. Centre of Technical Information of Construction. Santiago de Cuba. Prof. Faculty of Humanities, Havana University. 1986 - Course on Architecture. Eastern University. Prof. Roberto Segre (Cuba-Argentina). 1986 - The Black Popular Culture in the Caribbean Feasts. UNEAC-Caribbean House. Prof. Judith Betelheim (USA). 1987 - Course on Visual Communication (Wilfredo Lam Centre) Havana. Prof. Shigeo Fokuda (Japan), Jorge Frascara (Argentina-Canada), TadeuzJodlowsky (Poland). 1988 - Course on Planning andTown Architecture of Santiago de Cuba City, from STI Beginning up to date / Office of the City's Preserver / Santiago de Cuba. Prof. Omar Lopez. 1989 - Design in an Urban Industrial and Domestic Scale. Faculty of Architecture / Santiago de Cuba. Prof. Jose Antonio Choy, Flora Morcate and Others. 1997 - Subliminal Techniques in Publicity / MEGACE / Santiago de Cuba / Prof. Vicente Gonzalez Castro. Personal Exhibitions 1975 - Graphic UNO / First Exhibition of Personal Poster of Graphic Design in the Eastern Provinces of East / East Gallery / July. 1982 - Graphic of Every Day / Posters. Universal Art Gallery of Santiago de Cuba. 1983 - Towards the Environment Transformation / Suitbert Goire's Marks and Symbols. Santiago de Cuba. 1986 - All Mixed / Manuel Mendive, Julia Valdes, S. Goire. Gallery of Santiago de Cuba. Cuban Association of Cultural Goods. 1987 - Goire's Record Posterboards / Municipal House of Culture. Villa Clara. 1988 - 1988-About Everything / Posters, Record Posterboards, Paintings, Drawings, Craftmanships. Santiago de Cuba's Gallery / Cuban Association of Cultural Goods. 1998 - Unknown Graphic / Suitbert Goire's Posters. Latin American Festival of Otranto / Lecce, ltaly. Elia's Palace / July. I, from 2001 to 1930 = 50 / retrospective Exhibition/30 years of Artistic Life. Elvira Cape Library. Santiago de Cuba. 2001 - Cubanegra/30 years of Artistic Life / Original Posters / French Alliance. Santiago de Cuba. April. 2002 - Original Posters by Suitbert Cubanegra/40 Goire / "Rene Portocarrero" Gallery / Cuban National Theatre. Havana City / September-October. 2004 - Grafika in the Memory / Posters Printed in Silk Screen / Antonio Maceo Revolution Square / June. National Collective Exhibitions (More than 130 Exhibitions) Youth Hall / Hermanos Saiz Group. Havana. National Halls of Graphic Propaganda. Havana. Many Other National Halls of Graphic Exhibitions, Paintings, and Drawings. 2003 - "I am Art Among the Arts'VNational Library. Havana City. 2003-2005, City Hall. 2003-2005 - Caribbean House. 2004-June-July/UNEACTerritorial Hall / Emilio Bacardi Museum. 2005-July/Graphic National Hall / International Press Centre. Havana City. International Collective Exhibitions USA, Ethiopia, Yemen, Viet Nam, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Nicaragua, Korea, Mongolia, Laos, Tanzania, Angola, Ghana, Mexico, Jamaica, Suriname, Leningrad, Guadalupe, Algeria, Colombia, Czechoslovakia, Canada, Italy, France, Venezuela, Switzerland, Argentina, Russia, Austria, Spain, India, and Others. 2003-March/Graphic for Peace / LosAngeles, California, USA / Global Graphics Foundation. 2004-July / The Cuban Poster: A Retrospective / Gallery Track 167Saint Monica, Los Angeles, California, USA / Global Graphics Foundation / Centre of Cuban Studies, New York. 2005-April 5-July 10/La Cubanidad!: Cuban Posters 1940-2005/Vienna Austria v Mak-Museum of Contemporary Arts / Global Graphics Foundation. 2005-April/Cuban Graphic / Chicago / Centre of Cuban Studies. 2005 - May / The Cuban Poster / Los Angeles, California / Centre of Cuban Studies. Main Prizes (More Than 70 Prizes in Contests) First Prize / National Contest On "House by Self Effort." Interdisciplinary Team / MICONS-Havana, 1986. Second Prize / Poster for the Twenty-sixth Anniversary of Radio Rebelde. Havana, 1983. Special Mention / Contest "X World Trade Union Congress. "Havana, 1982. Mention / Poster" National Hall of Graphic Propaganda ", 1984. Mention fora Placard, 1984. More Than 10 Prizes in Contests" Posters for the Santiago Carnivals. "Caribbean Festival 1984-1985. Week of Santiago's Culture, 1979,1982,1984 and 1985. Prize Provincial UNEAC Hall / Drawing, 1980. Unique Prize "Poster from Santiago for the Spanish Communities." Antonio Bravo Correoso Cultural Institution, 1996. Some Other Prizes National Graphic Hall / July 26. Printed Mentionforthe-Peace Poster. Prize "AHS" Peace. " Cuban Movement for Peace Prize / We Want Peace. More than 30 mentions. His works Are part of private and state collections in USA, Spain, Italy, Germany, Mexico, Brazil, England, Colombia, Canada and Others. Member of the Technical Advisor Counsel / Provincial Counsel of Plastic Arts. Distinctions Main Commemorative Medal "XXXV Anniversary of July 26, 1998. Seal "Artist Laureate", 1944. Medal "Raul Gomez Garcia, 1985. Badge "Jose Maria Heredia," 2001. National Vanguard of the Cultural Trade Union in the years 1982 to 1986.1988 and 1998,2000.2002 - 2004. Artistic Designs Other Environmental Activities for Hotels and Restaurants. Scenery Design / Stage Design, Wardrobe and Puppets. Illustrations and Designs of Books. Fashion Designs. I've Delivered Mastery courses and lectures on Graphic Design in Santiago de Cuba and other cities of the country. He Has Given on Curatorship courses to students of History of Arts in East University. Teacher of Drawing and Design in art courses for trainers. I've Been and Opponent Tutor for students in Diploma Thesis of: Provincial School of Plastic Arts "Jose Joaquin Tejada" Faculty of Art History. East University Journalism Faculty. East University.

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